Wednesday, March 7, 2012

That Stinks 3-4-12

Something new, something creative, something to photograph... something to execute.

The above line states what brings my photography joy as of late. I don't want to be stagnant, I want to try new things, learn and grow. So I was excited when a close friend, Nick, reached out inquiring about a few product shots of some air fresheners to be used on a website to promote. Although he has a scent similar to one of those small trees you hang in your car (joke, maybe), he is not an air freshener pusher. Just one side project/endeavor of many.

Nick had no concepts or ideas for this shoot. When asked, he replied: "I don't  know, that's your bag." Fair enough, creative freedom! I knew I wanted to take some clean, straight-up product shots but was looking for something else, something associated with air fresheners. Hmmm... STENCH! I immediately texted him (that's what you do anymore) and told him to bring dry ice. My idea was to create "Stench" around the air fresheners.

I turned my kitchen into a small studio for the night. Nick himself and another very close friend, Gary, helped out greatly on this project. They not only assisted on the photography side but also on the creative side. Being that they are two of my closest friends, we had a lot of fun hanging out and executing stench visually. Each shoot my goal is to not only come out with decent shots, but also learn.

"Knowing how to do everything is not the goal. Knowing that you can learn is everything."
-Scott, assistant to photographer Chase Jarvis

Enough motivational speech for now, on with some pics...
*No toilets were harmed in the making of the following photos*

My favorite pic of the stench on the left. Dry Ice in the toilet with a flash (gelled green) fired at the vapors from above. Team effort - We found out you have to move pretty fast when using dry ice.

Stay Fresh, Stay Classy

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Mother Load 2-25-12

Howdy All!

I was contacted about a month ago by a SUPER-talented friend and past client of mine, Deanna of The Amazing Meyer Family with the opportunity to work together again, this time for an environmental/concept portrait session.

Deanna is a mother, a housewife and last but not least an ARTIST. When she contacted me she told me she was looking for a portrait to accompany her work in an upcoming show. She expressed that she didn't want a run of the mill portrait but rather a portrait that told her story of how hectic her daily routine can be juggling motherhood and working from home. We talked a bit and shot around some ideas and I was rather excited to work with her on this project! This wasn't a timed shoot, I wasn't going for as many pictures as I could... this was to be an image that told a story. Her story.

I packed up the car with everything photography I own and when I arrived at Deanna and Chris's lovely home I laid it all out on a table to be at my disposable. We moved her kitchen table and analyzed the space in which we would be shooting in. I took a good bit of time thinking about lighting, setting up and testing my light. To setup took almost an hour and in that time our precious other half of the portrait session, "Smalls", decided she could use a nap. I had the idea beforehand to take head shots and fun portraits of just Deanna, so we utilized "Smalls" nap time to do so.

When she awoke and got a snack in her belly she was ready to go! Deanna was very comfortable in front of the camera and acted as though it was just another day in the kitchen with her sketchbook in one hand and "Smalls" in the other. She even drew a sweet little sketch while being photographed!

This was one of my favorite shoots to date... the Meyer's are an incredible family and the kind of people everyone wants to know. Thanks for a great day of shooting and a very nice dinner, hope to see you soon!

Be sure to check out Deanna's work and children's book, "Buffalo on the Ridge" that she wrote and illustrated at Verso Graphics. She also has a new blog she's calling The Mother Load (which incorporates some pics from this shoot) where she shares her views, art and a look into her daily life.

On with some pics...

A box of her books that didn't quite pass the quality standards were tossed into the mix. 
I think they were a handy addition in telling her story.

As mentioned above I brought everything photography that I own. Recently I started shooting film so I decided to bring my film camera and perhaps fire off a few shots... the 2 panels below were shot on film.

~Stay Classy Mother Artists