Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kathy & Jason - A Maryland Engagement Session 4-14-12

Happy Friday!

This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph two people who truly belong together.
Have you ever met a couple that give off nothing but a feel-good positive vibe the entire time you are around them?
...Meet Kathy and Jason.

Kathy's family and my family go way back to our fathers in the days of Boy Scouts and my sister is good friends with her sister, but I had never met Kathy prior to discussing photographing her wedding day. When we first met, her and Jason walked through the door gazing at each other and I could tell both of them shared a deep and special love for each other. I felt their good vibes instantly and I immediately wanted to shoot their wedding! We met for an hour, went over some details, got to know each other a bit and when they left I was really crossing my fingers that I wold be chosen to shoot their wedding. I felt as if I had made new friends and I was super excited to hear a week or so later that I would be documenting their special day.

For their engagement shoot, Kathy and Jason wanted to shoot where they live right outside of Baltimore, Maryland in a town called Owings Mills. Hmmm...that sounded familiar? Turns out it is the same town my girlfriend Jessica lived before moving to Pennsylvania two years ago. I decided to ask her to come along since I have been tutoring her with a dslr the last couple months. She provided some fantastic company, navigation, assistance and shots!  She shot with a long lens (she chose to shoot a little of out of the spotlight) and turned out some solid shots. I was quite impressed and some of her work is included below. Nice work Jessica and thanks again!

We started off at a park "Soldiers Delight" just moments from their apartment and then headed into Fell's Point about an outfit change and a half hour away. I didn't mind driving the distance to a location that is close to their lives and hearts. You will see in a featured shot below the spot where Jason proposed.

We made a day of it and really had a good time! I don't think I've ever fired off that many shots in an engagement shoot but they had great chemistry and were quite comfortable in front of the camera. Afterwards they treated us to dinner before our ride back. Very much appreciated and we thank you again!

Kathy and Jason, thanks again for a FUN day with you lovebirds...
I look forward to seeing you in July for your big day!

On with some pics...

A very cute moment in the following shot, captured by Jessica...

~Stay Classy Lovebirds

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ben in the Oven - 4-2-12

 This blogpost is very near and dear to me. My beautiful sister Lisa and my brother-in-law Ron are expecting a baby boy to add to their precious family. When baby "Ben" decides to finally introduce himself (there has been a couple false alarms) to the world he will have two brothers and two loving sisters. I am excited to be an uncle once again and I could not be happier for Lisa and her family!!!

Although I anticipated this shoot, it was kind of sprung and me and I was more than happy to oblige. After all it's my sister, I love her and seeing her with "preg-glo" really touched me emotionally. I admit I'm a sap, especially when it comes to family.

We tossed around a couple days and figured out a time that worked for both our busy schedules. Thankfully Ben didn't arrive before we had a chance to shoot! Lisa and Ron wanted to go to a park a few blocks from their home to keep the shoot somewhat had to be picked up, dinner made and all that other fun parent stuff.

Ron is from Pittsburgh and as you will see in some of the shots is a die-hard Pittsburgh sports fan. So much that he has convinced my sister to cross over to the dark side...nooooooooooooooooo!!! Haha. They painted Ben's nursery in Steelers official NFL gold paint AND one could speculate that their new addition could be named after the Steelers quarterback????

Lisa will be induced this Tuesday the 17th if Ben decides he wants to hang out for a while longer. I can't wait to welcome this little guy into the world. Lisa and Ron I am so happy for you guys and wish you all the best! God Bless.

Thanks again for a yummy dinner after the shoot!

On with some pics...

Awwwww preg-glo!!! Love you Sis!

~Stay Classy Parents

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CSP#01 - Bobbi-Jo, Safe & Secure 3-31-12

I'm rather excited to blog this evening because this post officially kicks off my Community Service Project (CSP)! The goal of this ongoing project is to spotlight an individual who provides a valuable and notable service within our community. It doesn't stop at firemen and police officers though, this is open (please, feel free to inquire if interested) to all services from an auto mechanic to a pizza shop owner and everything in between. I believe just because someone is not putting their life on the line doesn't mean they aren't providing a respected and appreciated service.

This project is not designed to promote a business. The pictures are free and yours at the end of the day to do so if you wish, but I'm after capturing the character of the person in their element of service.

First person to respond was an old friend from high school Art class, Bobbi-Jo. Bobbi-Jo told me she was a floating security guard and she seemed a perfect fit for this project. I can't believe it's been 16 years since I've seen Bobbi-Jo but she is still the same genuine, super friendly Bobbi-Jo I remember! ...Only now she packs guns, handcuffs, a taser and who knows what else. In short - do NOT mess with this gal.

We touched base and discussed some ideas and a good time for the shoot. I got to hand it to Bobbi-Jo on this one, she came up with both locations for this shoot. We started at a school (they need security these days) and then headed to the offices of her step-father's company. My girlfriend Jess came along to the school to help out, see what I do and take some shots herself. Both very cool locations! Special thanks to her step-father for allowing us to shoot there.

It was really great to see Bobbi-Jo, catch up a bit and get this project in motion. She did a great job and I'm not just saying that because she has a permit to carry. Haha! Bobbi-Jo, hope to see you again before our 20-year reunion, thank you very much for your participation!

On with some pics...

• Stay Safe
• Stay Secure
• Stay Classy